Okay, so I want a six pack. Eat healthy, workout, eventually you'll get there, is what I had told myself. Boy, was I wrong!
I now have a new respect for anyone with a six pack.
Six Pack=
1) eating 16 chicken breasts/weekly.
2) 20 cans of tuna a day
3) Fish at 9pm (and then staying up til midnight digging a fish bone out of the back of your throat, a story for another day).
4) 8 hours of cardio every day.
5) You're not allowed to get dressed, you have to live in your smelly gym clothes that are a reminder of how gross you still are, and have a long way to go.
6) 18 egg whites at 5am with dry oatmeal and a splash of vinegar for some flavor (mine as well, that's how gross it is)!
7) Choke down protein powder after a workout.
8) Lift weights until you can't move, but if you're not crying yet, keep going!
And then do it all again tomorrow!
Don't forget your supplements:
Branch Chain Amino Acids
Multi Vitamin
Crack Cocaine
Red Bull
Vitamin E
Joint Support
Beta Carotene Carb blocking fat burning hunger indusing capsules
Dang it! I always forget water. You must strap a Camelback on you at all time, even during sleep and drink constantly, you must consume as many gallons as pounds you weigh. I have set up a bed in my bathroom, it's not so bad considering I get home from the gym at midnight and am back there at 5am.
I can't wait for my 6 pack! Got to go eat some fish before bed! Fish and B.O. are a major turn on in the bedroom, by the way!
Hey I didn't know red bull was a supplement!!!
and fish burps are so sexy. I always appreciate them.
Marcella, I would love to trade Scentsy for a peek-a-boo bag, if you don't win my conest. I will keep you posted! Cute blog and great product! :)
Man, I wish I had your drive. I am proud of you though. Teresa said you are looking amazing. :)
you crack me up!!! But I still love you!
Please tell me that when you get a six pack you will not look like that lady-- she is WAY too tan and her face looks like it was photo shopped because it is a totally different color than her body.
Plus she scares me...
If I could have her body or your body, I'd pick yours.....just sayin.
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