Thanks to the $1 flash cards from Target.
36 Dinosuars, most I've never heard of.
Then we worked on the letter 'Dd' for Dinosaur
We talked about fossils and played in the sandbox.
This is our screeching Pterodactyl!
(he really does screech like a dinosaur all the time)
I also found a great link for online Dino Games
Summer is flying by. I'm not at all looking forward to winter.
This has been the best summer of our marriage. Probably one of the best summers of my life.
Who would've thought I'd be so happy in Cheyenne Wyoming?! ( I still consider myself a big city girl, and crave the busyness of New York City) But you can't beat the the fresh air, sunny mornings, rolling hills, cowboy hats, horses, thunderstorms, bunnies, squirrels, no traffic, and no shopping (saves me money).
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