Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Missing McKenna

Kenna has been at Grandma Susan's all week for Sunshine Camp with all the cousins. I'm getting a lot done, but I miss her.
I miss:
1. Listening to "Hard Knock Life" 10,000 times a day
2. Watching Grant get flipped upside down, tackled and still laughing at Kenna.
3. "Get me Hot Chocolate Right Now"
4. Playing 'water slide' on the playset (with her stuffed animals)
5. Watching her new Indiana Jones tricks on the swing
6. "Seriously, mom"
7. Spending 30 minutes looking for shoes so the ants don't get her.
8. Being nice to the bugs, because they are now her friends.
9. Reading her Ragedy Ann Stories before bed.
10.Seeing her rock with her dad before bed.

Crazy, Messy, Climbing, Yelping, Cute Grant misses her too.


Lauren said...

I totally know what you mean. You can get a lot done and it's a nice break, but you do miss them a ton! She is so cute and Grant, too. Can't wait till next month to see you!

Katie said...

I love your kiddos

kathryn said...

so cute! i can't believe how big grant is, already! tell mckenna "hi" from maggie!