This was Me and Kenna's response to TT's idea.
I cherished a quiet moment in the middle of they day by getting in the shower and getting dressed. What a reward!
Grant loves to help with the dishes.
This is what gives him the energy to do the dishes.
They are getting too big.
Yes, this is Pizza. That I can't have!!!
I got to have tuna and broccoli instead. Jerks!
He will stand against the wall, but too wimpy to do it by himself yet.
so cute! I especially love the one of grant drinking the diet coke.
I was thisclose to doing the mini caramel apples today but I couldn't find a melon baller at stupid walmart.
how much money is grant making by doing dishes?
because I do believe I have some back pay coming to me for doing dishes while I was staying with you.
wow your kids are getting so big...and they are growing up so fast...
so how is old cheyenne doing? thats way funny you ended up in cheyenne...
It was a good place to go to high school...where are you guys living? I guess what ward are you in?
looks like your buisness is going great...congrats...ppl was a good training...
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