I made the cake and was so proud of it! Easy homemade fondant on www.allrecipes.com

We remodeled 3 of the bedrooms. This is Grant's room.
I refinished the dresser that was purchased at a garage sale for $5!!!
And found the blinds on clearance for $30 at WalMart.

Grant is all BOY BOY BOY! He is obsessed with Basketball almost as much as his Dad.
He walked all the way across the field with his ball so he could "shoot hoops".

Chocolate Disasters!

His Daily drumming session in the pots and pan cupboard.

Girls Night Out!

Kenna and her amazing Dad.

Shopping Brag- All this, plus a pair of Pajamas for $5!!!
(The Budweiser box in the background was just from the moving boxes we got from someone else..... I promise)